Town of Ledyard Postpones Trick-or-Treating Due to Storm Damage
Home » Blog » News and Updates, Connecticut Haunt News, Halloween Headlines
October 31, 2017 By Chelsea T.
Trick-or-treating has been postponed in the town of Ledyard due to the amount of down power lines from the recent storm. Mayor Fred Allyn III made the announcement on Facebook, stating that the holiday festivities will be moved to Friday, November 3rd.
In addition, the town also closed schools on Tuesday. According to News 8, the mayor had been speaking with Eversource, who he seemed to be quite annoyed by in a post that read: "I’m extremely frustrated with the lack of response from Eversource. Mind you, they are proposing an average 6.9% rate increase and seeking approval at the end of next month. I will post a link to PURA if you wish to voice your concern over this proposed rate increase. Our Town crews have done all they can at sites without wires in play and many have worked since last night doing what they can without Eversource on site.”
We hope Ledyard gets their power back soon and that they enjoy a Friday night Halloween!
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