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Norton Brothers Fruit Farm

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Not Scary at All
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Family Fun for All Ages!
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Pumpkin Patches, Hay Rides (Kid Friendly)
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Outdoor Event(s), Touching Not Allowed, Free Parking
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Pumpkins: We offer mums and select your own pumpkins starting in mid-September!.

Hayride: Take a hayride through our orchards!

Pick your own apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, blueberries and raspberries.
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Norton Brothers Fruit Farm
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We are located on Routes 68 and 70, one mile east of junction with Route 10 in the center of Cheshire. From I-691: Take Exit 3 and head south on Route 10 for 4 miles, turn left at light on Route 68 east. The Farm is located 1 mile on left. If you come to a traffic light turn around, you've gone too far. From I-91: Take Exit 15 and head West on Route 68. Continue on 68 for approximately 6 miles. At the traffic light where you join route 70, take a left and the first driveway on the right. From I-84: Take exit 26 and head east on Route 70 for 8 miles. From Hartford Area: I-84 West toward Waterbury, take Exit 27 to I-691, take Exit 3. Take a right onto route 10 south 4.5 miles to intersection of routes 68 and 70. Take a left onto 68 and 70 (Academy Road). Go about one mile and take the second driveway on the left after Wiese Road. (If you come to the traffic light where 68 and 70 split you have gone too far.) OR I-91 South toward New Haven, take Exit 18 onto I-691 and follow the above directions. OR I-91 south toward New Haven, take Exit 15 and take a right onto route 68. Continue on 68 for approximately six miles. At the traffic light where you join route 70, take a left and the first driveway on the right. From Waterbury Area: I-84 East to Exit 26 (bear right) onto route 70 East. Continue on route 70 until you come to the traffic light where you cannot go straight ahead (a Getty station on the right). Take a right, at the next traffic light take a right, and at the next traffic light take a left onto routes 68 and 70 and follow directions above. From New Haven Area: I-91 North to Exit 15 and take a left onto route 68. Follow directions above. OR Take Exit 10 onto route 40 connector. At end of connector, take a right onto route 10 north. Continue for approximately 7 miles into Cheshire to intersection of routes 68 and 70. Take a right onto 68 and 70 (Academy Road) and follow directions above. From Middletown Area: Follow route 66 west toward Meriden, getting onto connector to I-91. Take either I-91 south and take Exit 15 following directions above or I-691 west and take Exit 3 following directions above.

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