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Bruce Park - Real Haunted Place

Bruce Park in Greenwich is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of a woman who instead of a head, has a collection of snakes. This story came about in the mid 1990s when a group of teens were hanging out at the park's picnic grounds. The ghostly woman made an appearance when the teens became too loud. The snakes on her head hissed at the teens before they fled the park.

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  • Haunting a Bruce Park

    It happened in late August of 2019 when me and my girlfriend at the time decided to explore Bruce Park at night. We walked around for a few as then we had gotten the chills which was weird to us because it was only August. As we were about to leave we heard a loud scream that sounded like a women. We were scared by it because we were the only one there at the time but it was alarming because we thought that somebody was in trouble. As we walked back into the park to check if anybody was there we heard the scream again. Nobody was there and because of that we decided to run back to the car only for it to have all of the lights on in and outside car with the radio blasting music. We thought maybe that somebody was pulling a prank on us cause we had told one of our other friends we were coming to Bruce Park at night. But as we turned around the most frightening thing I have seen in my life was standing there. It was a women with a regular body but with the head of snakes that started to hiss at us. She screamed “Leave now” which we decided to get in the car and drive as fast away as possible. Since then we have not been or near Bruce Park at night nor that we would ever go back. This is my story and warning for people to avoid Bruce Park at the night or you will experience something unforgettable.

    Posted 7/26/23

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Last edit to this listing: 5/6/2021 (1406 days ago)

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